Champions of Change

Change does not happen overnight. No one should fight alone for these changes. VGM Government Relations is made up of industry champions to fight with you!

Championing in Change for the DMEPOS Industry

As the voice of the industry, we have always been committed to advocating for change on Capitol Hill and at the grassroots level. But this year, we want to shift our focus to highlight all the good we do to transform the industry for the better.

At VGM Government Relations, we are not just industry experts, we are champions of change. We work tirelessly to shape policy decisions that align with our organization's goals and values. Through our efforts, we aim to drive meaningful change that benefits our members and the wider community.

Champions of Change

John Gallagher

John Gallagher

Champion of Grassroots

VP, VGM Government Relations


I begin each day by reviewing multiple news outlets from both sides of the political spectrum to stay up-to-date on current political trends. Then follow up with a thorough review of my 'To-Do' list. The dynamic nature of Government Relations means that each day may bring unexpected twists and turns, no two days are alike.


My strength lies in my work ethic, I firmly believe that hard work and dedication are essential to achieving success. In my role as an advocate for DME providers, I am willing to go the extra mile, even if it means sacrificing time away from home. The satisfaction of knowing that I am working towards a greater good far outweighs any personal sacrifice. 


A lack of patience can be a significant challenge in both personal and professional settings. 

Craig Douglas

Craig Douglas

Champion of Payer Relations

VP, Payer and Member Relations


My day-to-day involves evaluating DME market trends and other forces impacting suppliers, researching and consulting with customers to help them make informed decisions. I act as a source of information, develop resources and tools, provide consultative advice, and participate in industry-wide committees and workgroups.


My work strengths include familiarity with major players from a provider and manufacturer/distributor standpoint, a deep understanding of industry trends, and strong relationships with providers, payers, and vendors across the country. I have a reputation for being knowledgeable, trustworthy, and reliable, and I excel at distilling complex information into digestible forms and creating resource tools to help customers operate more efficiently.


Pot roast, not because he loves it

Ronda Buhrmester

Ronda Buhrmester

Champion of Reimbursement

Sr. Director, Payer Relations and Reimbursement


When not presenting at conferences, I assist members via phone, text, social media, and email. My schedule is full of training calls on topics from intake to billing, such as improving reimbursement data. I provide regular education through webinars and live chats on updates to medical policy and other hot topics. I support VGM University's online courses and marketing guides. With nearly 30 years of experience, I stay up-to-date on industry trends by participating in councils and committees with CMS and Medicare. I am always looking for opportunities to educate our members and help them succeed.


As a professional in the DME/HME industry, I enjoy educating members on the latest policies and regulations from CMS. I provide clear information that can be easily incorporated into their business operations through engaging conference presentations and virtual one-on-one training. Seeing staff members understand policy changes and apply them to interactions with patients and referral sources is rewarding. With my guidance, members stay up-to-date on regulatory changes and feel confident in adapting to new requirements.


A love of beets

Alan Morris

Alan Morris

Champion of Strategy

Director, Research and Strategy


I spend my time leveraging new policies to inform business owners, including policies that extend well beyond DMEPOS.  The healthcare ecosystem is ever-evolving, and I’m passionate about both informing policymakers of the flaws as well as business owners of the opportunities presented.


My strength lies in my ability to understand the policy and use it as a driving force for innovation. By keeping abreast of policy changes and their impact on the industry, I am able to help shape policies that promote innovation and growth. With my keen understanding of policy and its implications, I am able to guide teams toward developing innovative solutions that meet regulatory requirements and drive business success.

