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[Webinar] Billing & Reimbursement Update in the COVID-19 Environment

Event Details

Date Thursday, April 9, 2020
Time 1:00pm - 2:30pm

As updates are gathered related to Medicare and other payers (Medicaid and commercial) for the reimbursement area, we felt that this is of high priority for our VGM and U.S. Rehab members. During this webinar, the discussion will include acceptable documentation requirements for new and existing patients (repairs and replacements) including the use of telehealth – face to face encounter with the treating practitioner  - and handling proof of delivery documentation, as it pertains to all types of DME suppliers.  There will also be discussion on providing virtual education for the respiratory patients, like CPAP and oxygen equipment as well as other home medical equipment.  For the CRT supplier, discussion will include ATP assessments and LCMP specialty evaluations being handled virtually – what is acceptable during this state of emergency declaration. This particular webinar will host three of VGM & U.S. Rehabs experts in the reimbursement area including Ronda, Craig, and Dan.

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