Letter from the Vice President, Jim Greatorex: April 2021

Published in Home Modifications on April 28, 2021

In the last month, we have seen many more businesses open at a greater capacity, and with it has come a feeling in the air that both our professional and personal lives are about get much better. This week, many of us here at VGM were able to return to the office and I got to escape my space in the bedroom office at home! Seeing co-workers in person and having personal interactions never felt so good. We will have several new opportunities to talk about in the next few months as we see increased activity and opportunities in the home access marketplace.

Update on a Home Accessibility Federal Bill

We are making some great headway on getting a home accessibility bill introduced. HomesRenewed has had several well-received virtual meetings with legislators in the last six weeks, and we expect a bill to be introduced in the foreseeable future. This bill is likely to have a low-to-no cost associated with it and could be very easily added as a non-controversial bill in any package of bills being passed. If we get a bill passed that gives home owners a tax deduction on defined home safety improvements of which all our services fall under, it would be a big-time game changer. But we can’t do it alone, we need your help. We have an excellent lobbying firm heading up our efforts and some expenses that need to be supported. If members could pledge anywhere from $25-$100 a month to help fund this cause, we have a decent chance of getting a positive result. The timing for getting this type of bill passed will never be better than it is right now. Let’s not kick ourselves by missing this opportunity. Join LAH as we support the HomesRenewed Coalition. Learn more by clicking here!    

Select Member Update

If you have heard about our Select Member program but have been on the fence as to whether or not you want to participate, it’s time to take another look. We are entering into many agreements that show much promise and bring very high-quality leads. In the May-June time period, we will be announcing some new relationships and updates on our Area Agency on Aging relationship. To learn more about becoming a Select LAH Member, click here

LAH Installer Summit

We are thrilled to be going back to Ravenna, Ohio to our friends at Access to Independence (ATI) for some hands-on installer training. ATI has a 9,000 square foot showcase of all home access products and a classroom which provides a great atmosphere for this four-day of training. Space is limited so if you want to send someone to this event, we recommend acting fast to reserve your spot. Click here to register.

Thanks for you for your membership, and we hope to see as many of you as possible in person in 2021!

Best Regards,

Jim Greatorex


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  2. vgm live at home

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