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Published in Wound Care on June 06, 2023

Heather TrummBy Heather Trumm, Director, VGM Wound Care 

Did you know that there is a transfer mechanism in healthcare that requires a no-lifting, multi-functional device to assist caregivers in transferring their patients? It's true! One of our newer vendor partners, Human Care US, offers the Barton Convertible Chair, which enables caregivers to perform safe patient handling practices more efficiently and effectively. While I had heard about this type of transfer device many years ago, it wasn't until I watched the video below that I realized how easy it is to use.

Human Care is dedicated to improving freedom of movement and quality of care for people worldwide. They aim to become an integral part of people's lives by providing innovative solutions for individuals with special needs. Their product range includes walking aids, safe patient handling equipment, and healthcare beds, all with the mission to enhance freedom of movement and ensure quality care.

The Barton Convertible Chair from Human Care can save the backs of caregivers and medical professionals. Many nurses and other healthcare workers may have to quit their jobs on the floor due to back injuries caused by patient lifting and handling. However, this chair allows for efficient and effective safe patient handling practices. It's worth noting that the chair is covered by Medicare in the US.

By utilizing the Barton Chair, not only can safe patient handling be ensured and injuries to healthcare workers reduced, but it also helps prevent additional pressure on existing injuries during patient transfers. The chair's design minimizes shear and friction, resulting in a decrease in potential complications. 

For more information on Human Care, visit their vendor page


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