How Does DMEscripts Solve Everyday Challenges for Healthcare Providers?

Published in Wound Care on January 04, 2023

By John Brady, CEO, DMEscripts

How Does DMEscripts Solve Everyday Challenges for Healthcare Providers?When speaking with various healthcare professionals, we all learn about the various challenges that exist across the healthcare spectrum. Arguably, “prescribing” DMEPOS orders is the most prevalent and long-standing challenge within our HME industry. To resolve this industry challenge, every HME provider must assess how they effectively and efficiently engage with an ePrescribing platform to provide value for their patients, referral sources, payers, regulators, and other stakeholders.  

Investing in an “ePrescribe” platform such as DMEscripts can be a significant part of the solution. DMEscripts’ ePrescribing technology is a trusted channel to receive complete, clean, detailed written orders which are fillable and billable. Moreover, utilizing an ePrescribing platform provides appropriate education to referral sources to ensure payer guidelines and coverage requirements are met and at a fraction of the time and cost for a medical practice. Furthermore, ePrescribing is compliant with the ever-changing regulatory climate resulting in improved patient compliance and outcomes. An electronic order inherently affords a much-improved workflow that affords far greater efficiencies in addition to reducing fixed and variable costs for HME providers.

The core problem: Rework

ePrescribe is not just an electronically transmitted order, aka, a fancy fax. It’s a transformational change for our industry. When deploying DMEscripts in 2018, over 200 healthcare and HME providers were surveyed to determine how much time was involved for one patient order. At a minimum, the survey concluded it takes at least 30 minutes to complete the order. The rework, or “back and forth,” between a referral source and HME provider frustrates the prescriber and the patient with delivery delays while costing the HME provider in labor, ancillary costs, and, most importantly, in reputation.

What should an ePrescribe system solve for you?

An ePrescribing platform should provide complete, accurate, billable, and refillable orders. A complete order includes all relevant demographic and payer information in addition to frequency of use, HCPCs, appropriate settings, manufacturer make and model, length of need, and if required, supporting documentation. All ePrescribed order information is provided to the HME provider upfront and signed by the prescriber.

The ePrescribe system should provide order tracking capabilities, from submission to delivery

The ability to track the status of an order is of benefit to referral sources as well as the HME providers. Currently, referral sources have very limited visibility into the order lifecycle. In most situations, the referral source becomes frustrated because they do not have clarity as to when an order is received or if the prescribed products were delivered.

With DMEscripts, a referral has the full status of the order. The referral source can login to a dashboard to check a patient’s order, real-time message with the HME provider, and electronically submit additional documentation as needed. The DMEscripts’ portal reduces the unnecessary “back and forth,” which provides convenience while reducing call volume, unencrypted emails or text messages, removes any manual tracking of orders, and provides a referral source peace of mind to patient care.

ERP System Integration

Lastly, DMEscripts can integrate with your ERP system. The integration with your ERP system and DMEscripts is preferred by most HME providers as a path to further reduce order intake costs.  

Connecting DMEscripts with your ERP system through an API interface will help your business become even more efficient by automating the intake process, allowing real-time communication with your staff, as well as automating the creation of resupply or recertification orders. The integration simplifies the intake process, which saves you time and money while improving patient compliance.

Finally, integration with an ERP system assists with staff training and efficiency. The ePrescribed order electronically transfers into your billing system, which allows an intake team member to access the DMEscripts orders directly within their workflow. Overall, the goal of an integration path is to keep users in your system, which equates to lower costs and fewer headaches.

To learn more about DMEscripts, watch this recent webinar, or visit their vendor partner page on the member’s only portal and discover your member benefits.

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