A Note From the President: Stars and Stripes and Leveling Up

Published in Member Communities on July 03, 2024

Lindy TentingerBy Lindy Tentinger, President, VGM & Associates

Did you ever play video games growing up? Maybe you still do. (My husband and his brother end up in our garage sometimes until the wee hours of the morning playing everything from old school Nintendo and NBA Jam to golf to the one with shooting people.) A lot of times we continue to play what is safe and what we know we can win. It’s a lot more enjoyable to win. Taking on new levels, and the unknown, can be daunting and not as fun, especially in the beginning. 

Leveling up involves embracing the possibility of failure, but it is through these experiences that we learn, grow, and ultimately succeed in ways we could’ve never dreamed possible. By thinking differently and pushing the boundaries, we can disrupt the status quo and pave the way for groundbreaking advancements in this industry and beyond.

As we step into the month of July and honor the red, white, and blue, let’s also reflect on the principles of resilience, innovation, and unity that drive our industry forward. In this ever evolving and challenging landscape, it is crucial that we do not merely play where we are comfortable, but where we take on the new levels. This means stepping out of our comfort zones, taking calculated risks, and challenging the traditional paradigms that have long governed our industry. It is through this mindset that you can achieve new levels of success and continue to make a difference in the lives of those you serve.

Celebrating the independence of our nation also reminds us how important it is to protect our country and our companies. One of the biggest risks we face today is the threat of cyberattacks. As technology continues to evolve, so do the tactics of those who seek to exploit vulnerabilities in our systems. We must remain vigilant and proactive in safeguarding our data and systems against potential threats. 

Cybersecurity is not just a technical issue; it is a critical business priority. Implementing robust cybersecurity protocols is the number one action we can take to mitigate the significant risks posed by cyber threats. We urge each of you to review and strengthen your cybersecurity measures. Invest in training for your staff, conduct regular security audits and penetration testing, deeply consider a virtual Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) program, and stay informed about the latest threats and best practices. Together, we can create a secure environment that allows you and your teams to focus on what you do best—providing essential medical equipment and services to those in need.

This July, think about how you can level up and take on the challenges to protect your company, your people, and your customers.

Wishing you all a safe and inspiring Independence Day!


  1. leadership
  2. post-acute homecare
  3. vgm

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